Vegetable identity parade

Vegetables were lined up in an identity parade with a difference after police caught allotment raiders red-handed. Four growers came forward and were able to spot their own marrows, rhubarb, leeks and cabbages, magistrates were told.

The thieves were getting more than their recommended five a day of fruit and vegetables when caught at Brampton allotments by police. They admitted one charge of stealing fruit and vegetables on 10-October and asked for three other offences to be taken into consideration when they appeared before Huntingdon magistrates.

Police carried out a unique investigation by photographing the fruit and vegetables and then putting them on the verge, asking people if they could recognise or identify the vegetables. Four people came forward and one identified his marrows by their distinctive stripe.

The offenders were each conditionally discharged, ordered to pay £20 compensation and £85 costs.

To read the full article from the News & Crier click here.

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