Caption competition

Here's a pleasant picture of an plot holder hard at work. Don't those boots look far too clean for a serious grafter?

So the challenge is... can you think of a suitable caption for the photo? Unfortunately no prizes, but entries will be judged and the top three published in the Winter newsletter.

To enter just add your caption as a comment at the bottom of the page. Including your name is optional.


  1. It said cabbage on the seed packet, but it's grown into the most unusal shape.

    Ray Ninagain

  2. I've been thinking of moving him to the rhubarb patch. He'll feel at home there.

    Warren X Ample

  3. If I pretend I'm asleep, she might stop giving me more things to do!

    Y More-Jobs

  4. Chairmans revenge12 November 2011 at 08:39

    The Mayors big idea for holding council meetings outdoors backfired on him, when Councillor Saunderson nodded off during a particularly interesting Planning Committee meeting

  5. Chairmans revenge12 November 2011 at 20:14

    Norma was most unimpressed by the inflatable scare-crow she bought off the internet... whatever she did, she just could not make him stay upright and scare the birds away

  6. Chairmans revenge13 November 2011 at 20:07

    Colin wasn't one to let the weeds grow under his feet.....

  7. Chairmans revenge13 November 2011 at 20:09

    If I just stay here for another two days pretending to be asleep, the chairman will get bored and stop posting those d***ed silly comments about me online

  8. Age,hot weather and heavy clay make life hard.
    Anyone know a good divorce lawyer with moderate fees or will take payment in kind ie veg ?

    The defence rests his case ( Again)

  9. Colin trying out his new raised bed

  10. with all those empty bottles and cans around no wonder he is sleeping it off

  11. Is this a new variety of vegetable?
    a Medi-tator

  12. I see the weed but is that Bill or Ben?

  13. However it might have appeared, Colin was hard at workpractising his party trick of levitating from the ankles upwards.

    Ava Shott (Mrs)

  14. When in a deep enough slumber, Colin could almost believe he had a half decent plot.

    Percy Veer

  15. Robin of Sherwood4 December 2011 at 08:57

    Used Sleeper

  16. I'll sleep on it, I'm sure the answer will come to me?

    1 down: Anagram of allotment

    Got it! Answer: Mental Lot
