Clear indications you have too many courgettes

lots of yellow courgettes forming

* Your neighbour finds them every morning on his doorstep.

* You are eating them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and between meals too.

* You have a flute made out of a Courgette.

* Even the field mice stop eating them.

* You keep picking them but still have more today than you had yesterday.

* Nightmares about a giant Courgette wake you in the night.

* Your kids are using them for building blocks.

* You spray your Courgette plants with sugar water to attract insects. But they won't bite.

* You spend hours on the computer looking for Courgette recipes.

* You vow not to grow them next year but know that you will.

1 comment:

  1. It was our first year with an allotment & we certainly had plenty of courgettes to feed 2 families, This was good as we all love them but we still had to resort to making courgette chutney!!
